Oxfordshire Music Hub Privacy Policy

This privacy notice explains how and why information about you will be used by Oxfordshire Music Hub (“us” or “we”).

We may update this privacy notice at any time and may also notify you in other ways from time to time about the ways we use your information.

How we use information about you

We collect personal information to perform the services that we provide as a music hub.

  • We will use your information to manage the booking of Music Hub events organised by Oxfordshire Music Service. We are responsible for decisions relating to the security and use of your information
  • Your booking data is securely stored and is used to enable us to contact you before an event
  • Your information is anonymised immediately after an event and this is used for reporting purposes
  • We use your information to respond to an enquiry that you raise
  • Generally we will not use your information without your permission for purposes not directly related to the services we provide
  • It might be necessary to share your information for a purpose not related to the services if:
    • Your health and safety, or that of others is at risk
    • It is in the public interest to do so, for social or health security
    • It will help to detect or prevent crime or illegal activity
    • We are required to comply with a legal obligation

Types of information we hold about you

Details about you such as full name, and contact details such an email address where appropriate to fulfil an event booking.

Upholding our legal duties

We use your information in compliance with the data legislation, principally:

  • The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA2018);
  • The UK General Data Protection Regulations (UK GDPR);
  • The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR2003)

When we use your information, we will do so with the lawful basis and appropriate safeguards of one or more of the following:

  • It is in someone’s vital interest;
  • We have a legitimate interest clearly defined;
  • You have freely given your informed consent.

Keeping your information secure

To ensure that your information is used appropriately and that your privacy is respected, your personal information will be held and used in compliance with the requirements of all applicable legislation. This means that:

  • We will use or require adequate technical and organisational measures;
  • we will take steps to ensure that your information is kept as safe as possible for the duration of the event
  • Only those staff who need to do so will access your personal information;
  • Your information will be anonymised immediately after an event

Who we share information with

To provide events we often work closely with partner organisations who advertise their events on our website. You will share your personal details with those partners when you book one of their events. In such cases we are not responsible for any aspect of the management of your personal information.

We may be required by law to share your information with the following types of organisations:

  • Law enforcement agencies (e.g. Police forces, Fire and Rescue Services, DVLA)

Your data rights

In addition to your right to be informed about how we use your information, you also have the right (free of charge) to request the following:

  • Access to personal information we hold about you
  • To have your information corrected if there are inaccuracies or if the information is incomplete;
  • To restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances in accordance with applicable law;
  • In some instances, to object to your personal information being used at all due to special grounds relating to your particular situation - however, there may be compelling reasons why we may need to continue using your information even in these circumstances;
  • To be told if your personal information is lost and if, as a result, your privacy and rights may be at risk.

In addition to the above, if we have no legal basis to process your information other than the fact that you gave us your consent, then you have the following additional rights:

  • To withdraw your consent to process your information;
  • In some instances, to ask for your personal information to be sent to another organisation in a suitable format. For example, we can provide you with your information in a structured, commonly used, machine readable form when asked;
  • To withhold permission for your information to be shared.

If you wish to see the information we hold, or if you believe that information we hold is out of date or inaccurate, or you have additional information that could affect any services we provide to you, please use the online form.

Data Controller

Oxfordshire Music Hub is the Data Controller for data it collects about you as an individual.

Who can I contact with any questions or complaints?

Contact us with any questions or complaints.

You also have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner’s Office which is the UK regulatory authority for data protection issues:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

www.ico.org.uk or telephone 0303 123 1113.

We will need to update this privacy notice from time to time.

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